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February 01, 2010


> A cute n sweet sentance for a real friendship,
Dedicated to all friends If nothing
can last forever with you cna be your nothing.

> A man daily sent a rose to his wife,
One day he died but wife gor roses,
She asked florist, He said:
He paid advance for whole life.

> Sometimes we fial to undestand
the feeling of very close one in our life,
Because a book held very nearer to
The eyes is very difficult to read.

> Heart is quual 2 a mirror,
Mirror shows reflaction,
Heart shows affection,
Both have 1 equal quality
Cant be reformed once broken.

> People laugh at me,
B'coz I m different from them,
& I laugh at them
B'coz they are all the same.
Just an attitude Life is urs,
Live it ur way..

> The most Valuable sentence for life:
Never show too much of care on anyone,
Because it creates a non curble pain
When they start avoiding you.

> A gud Thought:
Sometimes sorry dosn't mean dat
U r wrong & other is right,
It only means dat u value the relationship
Much more then your EGO.

> When I Die I hope I would leave sumthing 4 u,
Few Memories in ur heart,
Few tears in ur eyes,
My name on ur lips,
My absnc in ur life.

> Best line written in fornt of
A Church in New York:
'Always belief in GOD'
Because there are some questions
That can not be answred by Google.

> There is only one differance between Dream and Aim,
Dream requires soundless sleep to see.
Where as Aim requires Sleepless efforts to Achive.


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