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February 15, 2010


> The Day u accept d fact dat
U r nt at all Imp 4 d person
Who is most Imp 4 u,
Is d day u start Pretending dat u r.

> Apology has 3 parts:Futu
- I m sorry
- It's my fault,
When can i do to make it right?
Most of us miss the third one.

> A relationship is not just a word..
Not merely a connection,
Its a silent promise which says
I'll be woth you.

> Loving oneself is common
But caring about someone
can be wonderful becoz
a small act of caring which
you mite gave 4getten cud be
d brightest memory 4 sum1 else.

> I have opened an emotional account
for you in my heart deposit ur friendship
in it & i'll make sure that u receive the
interest as long as i'm alive.

> Future is not what we planed for 2morrow,
It is the multiplication of what we do today,
Do the best in present and enjoy future.

> Sum people dont understand d way
I m sum r hurts by s d way i talk,
But what can i do if dat's d real me,
Sorry I m not perfact but definitly not 'FAKE'.

> The Compny good of person is
like a visit to the shop of perfumes,
Even if you buy or not,
You'll stillget a lot of good FRAGRANCE.

> The most beautiful thing in this world
is to see ur parants smiling,
& the next best thing is to know that,
you are the reason behind that smile.
Angelic Day.

> In each single day we smile and laugh so many times,
We never thank god after every smile
But we do blame him for every tear we cry.


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