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March 05, 2011


> Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest,
Who came first or who cares the best,
It's all about who came and never left.

> A frustareted Engg. girl said:
After So many Jobs search I've realized,
'Prostitution is the only indusrty
that treat freshers as angles.

> Care & affection isn't a business,
Where u give when u get,
It's a beautiful feeling 4 some1
Where u luv 2 give even if u dont get.

> 1 of d best dialogue in cute friendship,
"When i die, don't come near body..
B'coz my hands may not come 2
wipe ur tears off that time......"

> My heart is like an open book,
It depends on u how u read me,
Don't judge me by my cover,
Look in and discover, i'll be
your true friend forever!

> A lovely saying:
If u stand 4 a reason,
b prepared 2 stand alone like a tree,
If u fall on the ground,
Fall as a seed that grow back 2 fight again.

> One of the best reply from HUSBAND
To his waiting wife at Home:
I'll be there in 15 mins. If not,
Kindly read this message ones again.

> Best Message:
"Loneliness Teachs us Everything in the world"
Expect how to forget the person who made us lonely.

> Impressive one liner:
"There is no point keeping ur heart strong like iron,
You never know whoes heart turns out to be a magnet".

> Love is an illusion
Its a high dependancy disorder of weak hearted people..
People with strong heart belive only in flirting..


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Last Update - 2011, MAY 29
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