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March 25, 2011


> How true!
"Time is the most elastic element of the world"
Because it increases the minuts when
we are waiting & Decreases the hours when v r Enjoying...

> A good action is better than million good intentions.
Yet we still Judge ourselves by
Our intentions & Judge other by their Action.

> Never Discuss your success and
Never worry about your failure..
B'coz, Bith wioll affect ur next step
Belive ur self & move on & win a life.

> Whenever u miss some one, look at the sky.
Although u might not see the person there,
But feel happy that u two r under the same sky.

> Its just meaningless in expecting anyone to be of ur kind,
B'coz you can't hold others right hand
In your right to walk together.

> Isn't it funny-
When you miss someone
u msg dem to let dem know
That u r thinking of them.
But the truth is u really want them
To think of you isn't it.

> Love & Death are two uninvited guests..
No body knows when they come,
But both do the same work,
One takes the heart & others takes its beats..

> Love is a hand watch, only one person can see the time,
But friendship is like a wall clock, Every one can see the time.

> A soft nature of a person does not mean weaknes..
Remember .. nothing is softer water..
But its force can break the strongest or rocks.

> Even a small dot can stop a big sentence..
Few more dots can give continuity.
Every ending can be a beging..
Thats Life.


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