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October 19, 2010


> Do you know what is love?
"Love is when you'r hugging some one
as tight as possible & you still don't feel it close enough.

> Love comes in a tricky way sumtyms,
we think dat we r in love..not knowing we r just frnd.
But sumtyms v stick too much 2 friendship
dat ve forget dat we are in love.

> Dream & Aim both r sensational words,
Make a dream as Aim but dont make Aim as dream
Write ur sad time on water, & Good time in stone.

> Friends n medicine paly d same role in our life,
Both care for us in pain but only difference is
that friendship doesnt have an expiry date.

> Every sunset give us one day less to live,
But every sunrise give us, one day more to hope,
So hope for the best.

> Cute lines which truly hurts:
"She changed my every bad habbits
by loving me all the time" &
Finaly she left me, saying that,
U are changed.....

> Love is small coin.
Life is a Big coin
Life is a Lucky coin
Lover is a seet coin,
But Friends are a gold Coin.

I want u to be with me only two times in my life,
Now & Forever...

> Lines by a tru lovr:
I cud not becum her tears, wen she cried
neither her smile wen she laughed,
But she becum my breath upon wich I live.

> Every quote told by jarry in cartoons
"A person who irritates u always is
the one who loves u very much
But failed 2 Express it da way u an understand"

> A nice thought
Loving hundred wrong persons
may not even affect ur life
But Hating one right person
may disturb ur heart for whole life.


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