SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

October 27, 2010


> Each moment of life is a picture
which you had never seen before
& which you'll never seen again
so enjoy and live life n make each moment beautifull.

> Never be sad for missing wt ever u expected,
But be happy for that!! coz
U'll be get another one,
Better then you expected!! Staty happy..

> Friends r like skatch pens,
which paint our life with variety of colors,
I may not be ur favourite color.
But some day u'll need me to complete ur drawing.

> I lovely friendship should hav the determnination
of a mirror which never loses its ability to reflect
even if it is broken in to thousand pieces.

> What is Study?
S: sleep till 10 pm.
T: Tv is must.
U: Unlimited msg.
D: Dump to books.
Y: Yahoo chat
So Study heart..

> Aim in Life should be 654321
6: digits salary
5: days work
4: wheeler vehicle
3: room flat
2: cute children
1: Sweet life partner.

> Fact of life:
There are only two people,
who can tell u the truth about you,
A friend who has lost his temnper
& enemy who starts loving you.

> Heart is not a dustbin to dump
all the worries of your life.
It is a golden pot for collection
of sweet moment of your life.

> Each msg you send me right or day,
It keep my loneliess away..
And there is one thing I want to say,
"Thanks for the making me part of the day".

> William shakespear
"There is no difference between Complete & Finish"
Bt when u love a right person u r complete.
& when you love a wrong person u r finished.


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