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October 27, 2010


> There are two kind of people in the world,
The Takers may Eat better
But The givers will sleep better.

> Short, but a very deep thought:
Do you want happiness in life?
If yes then Never be a begger of lover
Always be a donor of love.

> Some moment would never pass.
Some feelings can never be stolen,
Some emotion can never be hidden,
Somebody just like you can never be forgotten.

> When you truly care for someone??
Thier mistakes never change our feelings??
B'coz Its the mind that gets angry
But the heart still love them.

> Dont be too honest,
B'coz straight tree are chopped frist
And Honest People are blamed first.

> When the mirror of life gets dirty wid the fog of rality,
Just try wiping it wid ur faith
U'll see clear reflaction of ur dream once again.

> Disappointment is just the distance
between exception & reality..!!
So either expect-less & accept the reality..
Or expect a lot & turn it inyo reality.

> A line said by a true lover to god
After breakup with full of tears......
I m MAD for her
But why am i not MADE for Her.

> Feelings Tense?
"Think of Me"
Feeling Sad?
"Call me"
Feeling Lonely?
"See Me"
Feeling Sleepy?
"Dream of Me"
My Name is
Self Confidence
Never Loose me.

> Days passing away leaving beautiful memories,
Words remain in form of stories,
But relationship always remain in heart like a heart beat.


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